Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mail Day!

Today is mail day. The one day of the week when mail gets brought out the the edges of the earth. The store is closed each Wednesday until 1:00, then all of us come down out of the hills to gather our mail. It really is quite interesting, and so nice to meet others who live out here. There are people who live out here year round, and have been here for many years, as well as miners who are just here for the season - and come in for social purposes, because they know there will be many gathered for a visit.
Conversations can be very interesting, as today the topic in the little log store turned to the Sasquatch. An old miner out there that we know told us early last week that he thinks he saw a Sasquatch near the lake cabin where we are (just last week...), that whatever it was, was "definitely not a black bear, and too tall to be a grizzly." A little scary, but I need more proof before I get really alarmed. Two hunters on the Manson River (30 minutes or so from here) supposedly saw one going up a bank near where they were camped a few years back. Secondhand information, and of course, no camera was present. The third story to relay was told firsthand, and one that made me feel a little eerie. The gentleman was about 15 minutes from where we are now, and alone, (he even said that he knows these things always happen when you're alone.) He had to get out of his truck for some reason, and instantly he felt like he was being watched. He could even sense from which direction. He started looking in that direction, and whatever was watching him took off through the trees, crashing and breaking limbs on it's way. By the sounds of the footfalls, it was only a two legged creature. He says when asked if he has ever seen a Sasquatch, his answer is "No, but one has seen me."
Last night the lake was as calm as can be. We sat on the deck and listened to the loons. They were across the lake diving, calling and taking off (they need a long "runway"). It was so quiet here it sounded as if they were only feet away. If that is not a stress reliever, I don't know what would be. I am looking forward to taking my hot chocolate out there tonight and hoping that there is a repeat performance.
Work is progressing on the cabin. Since arriving here on Friday we have built a little back deck, cleaned up a bunch of garbage, re-insulated most of the old roof (should finish that by tomorrow), repaired the front deck, set up the solar panels, built a set of log steps up to the front deck, raked up and hauled away years of fallen pine needles, repaired the outhouse, outlined a rock path to the outhouse, set up solar lights, and baked bread in the outdoor oven. I know there is more, but they have slipped my mind... I am looking very forward to "shoes off day" which I hope will come early next week. The day when all the floors are painted, the rugs are set out, and I can walk around with no fear of getting dirty socks!


  1. You will have to tell Tim to stop wandering around in the trees with his shirt off - he is scaring the locals! I am glad to see you are back online... please check your emails - I am sending you some info. xoxo

  2. Just what I was going to say Heather :)
    Last year, we all had the topic of Sasquatches come up. My rendition of it is someone who gets lost in the woods (forever), overgrown hair, forgets how to talk, and thus the moaning, screaming sounds (remember one night we heard screaming in the woods ???)I of course, being a chicken, beleive in them whole heartedly, and would never be brave enough to be living out there in the wild !!! Especially not with this new info :|

  3. Maybe it's the Hines Creek Samsquanch trekking around your woods! I don't think he's been seen in these parts for a long time!
    Julie Lundgard

  4. Hi Martina!
    I am really going to enjoy reading your blog, what a great idea!
    I believe in the sasquatch and this is why....
    My Dad ( who believes in nothing, not spirits or anything) worked for many years building logging roads. We lived in Chetwynd so he was always within a few hours of home(not too far from you) He told us one night at supper that he was really unnerved because he saw somthing he could not explain. If you know my Dad he is a very confident, strong, not scared of anything kind of guy. He was walking in the bush and had a strange feeling he was being watched. Then he saw a man like being covered in hair turn and walk up the cliff side of the hill. He thought it really odd that this thing had a human bum and a long stride. It made his hair stand up. My dad had worked in the bush for many years and knows that it was not a bear. He then went to look at its tracks because he was very curious. After getting his gun from the truck he went up this cliff(which was hard to get up even for him) to reach the hill. He saw the footprint and it was not any kind of animal he has ever seen before. I remember asking him if he thought someone put it there and he said not many people could get that far into the bush, climb up a cliff side and "plant" a footprint on the hill above. He said it looked right at him and he was definatley weirded out that night. He did contine to build the road there but he was never comfortable and his gun was never very far away from him. Anyway thought you might like to read my family's sasquatch story.
    I think my dad had this experience to teach him to open his mind to the possibility....
    Take Care
