Neither. It was a meteorite. It was shortly after supper last night and I had just blown out the kerosene lantern to let it cool off so I could refill it. It was quite dark in the cabin. All of a sudden, the inside of the cabin lit up with the quickness of a lightning flash. Tim had been looking out the window and said the mountain across the lake was completely lit up for a second. I just saw the reflection on the back of the cabin wall as I didn't happen to be looking out the window at that time. We had no idea what it was. Had a plane crashed? We hope not. Was it lightning in winter? Stranger things have happened, but there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Was it a space ship? Doubtful. Did we both have cabin fever already? Maybe... After talking to Paul this morning, who just happened to be reclined at the time and was able to see all of it, we found out that it was a meteor. It came from the sky behind the cabin and continued on over the mountain across the lake. He could see the meteor itself and the tail behind it. Exciting!
Tim and Paul were up the trail a couple of days ago and there were wolf tracks just a few kilometres away! I don't want any close encounters with them or anything, but I would love to hear them howl, and if they are that close and start up a chorus - we should be able to hear them from here. Previous residents were able to watch a pack cross the lake ice. Now that is something I would like to get a picture of. Maybe if we're luck enough we will get to see the same scene pass us by.
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