Monday, March 1, 2010

The back of the cabin we are living in after Tim, Kent and Rolf tore the old "lean-to" addition off the back. The floor of the current addition is already started. The roof of the old addition is in the foreground with the tarpaper and moss on it.

Kent and Rolf lending a (much appreciated!!) hand in the building of the addition.

What the inside of our cabin looked like when I got here after Tim had brought out two truck and trailer loads of stuff we would need for the year. Everything is taped and well sealed because at this point the packrats, mice and squirrels still haven't accepted that they were about to be evicted!
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  1. Wow - I remember walking in there and not being able to imagine how nice and homey it is now! I hope we get a chance to see it while you are still living there.
