Sunday, March 7, 2010

When Life Gives You Lemons...

Make lemonade! The water coming down from the spring has frozen somewhere along the way in the pipe underground - so we had to find a new way to do laundry! The hose to fill the washing machine is siphoning directly from the spring. Paul and Tim lifted the washing machine into the frame Paul built for it on one of the trail drags. When we are not doing laundry it will be stored in the heated fur shack to keep the pump from freezing inside it. The water froze in the hose coming down from the spring just as it was time to fill the washer for my final load - so that one goes undone for now. We will have to pick warm days to do the laundry on - there should be lots of those in the forecast if the last two weeks are any indication - we have been above zero every day! This was a fun way to do laundry and kept the kids busy in a new place to play. I think I'll bring a lawn chair up next time, maybe a hot chocolate with some Bailey's and a book - sounds almost spa-like - doesn't it? We had visitors out from Germansen Landing today - such a nice surprise! We were asked today if there has been anything at all unexpected in our time here. I can honestly say I never thought this year would see us doing laundry on the side of the road! We take it all in stride though - I see this as a fairly minor hiccup along the way. I also just noticed some squirrel tails sticking out the back of my snowmobile... We are a little more redneck out here than usual!
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  1. haha - I think your idea of a spa has changed. The squirrel tails sticking out made me lol!

  2. I haven't forgotten what a real one is like - I'll see one in July!! I just have to make do out here with a quiet place with nice scenery :)
