Friday, May 14, 2010

New People!

Welcome to a new couple who has just moved into the area! We have been corresponding over the winter with a young couple who shared a dream similar to ours. They were brave souls like we were and have taken the plunge, left civilization and are now living in a nearby community. Good for them! I am proud of those that can take the leap and realize a dream.
Heather and Paul had just taken the kids for a drive up the road when I heard a vehicle - I thought maybe one of the kids had changed their mind - but it was a strange truck I saw instead. Ever leery of strangers while alone - I did some peeking before I decided they looked safe. I went out and when they introduced themselves it was the couple we had both been corresponding with over the winter. We were wondering just the other day when they were going to show up.
We had a great visit and a yummy supper. I am excited for them and hearing their stories of moving in, cleaning up, making lists of things missed or forgotten brought back memories of not so long ago when we were going through the same things. I hope we were able to encourage them that things will look rosier when everything is clean, put away and they can relax and get right into exploring the area and looking for gold! Good luck guys!

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